[MEncoder-users] demuxing question

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Nov 27 18:31:36 CET 2010

Bernd Butscheidt <bbutscheidt <at> yahoo.de> writes:

> There are many filters/ options I would miss if mencoder stopped working:
> e.g. speed, framestep, delogo, .....

Note that two non-trivial filters that (from my non-educated pov) do not look
simpler than the three you mention (I don't think speed does anything else than
dropping or repeating frames, which is also the functionality of framestep) were
ported this week by people who - from a quick look - had never before worked on
MPlayer or FFmpeg (ported == usable patches were sent to ffmpeg-devel).

> So I hoped it will rest to be the brother of mplayer for quite a while!!!

It will, but more people benefit if bugs are fixed in FFmpeg (if they exist in
both applications) or filters are ported: Note that in the case of both FFmpeg
and MPlayer, man-power is the only (very much) limited resource, so imo, it
should be used with care.

Carl Eugen

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