[MEncoder-users] x264 [warning]: non-strictly-monotonic PTS

Andrew Berg bahamutzero8825 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 19:01:59 CEST 2010

With the latest build of x264, I keep getting this. From what I've read,
videos with a constant frame rate should not be able to cause this
error, which is odd since I don't have any VFR videos and in this
particular instance, I even specify the frame rate. Is there any way to
either suppress this message so it doesn't flood the terminal (-msglevel
all=0 doesn't work, AFAIK only 2>/dev/null does) or prevent x264 from
having a problem in the first place? I've seen suggestions to pass
--force-cfr to x264, but AFAIK, it's impossible to pass arbitrary
options to libx264 from MEncoder. The latter is preferable, but since I
haven't had problems with these same videos, the former is probably
safe. I use tsMuxeR with the insertSEI and contSPS options to remux the
videos since that helps other weird warnings from appearing.

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