[MEncoder-users] Getting bad video or crash

Andrew Berg bahamutzero8825 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 09:03:44 CEST 2009

I'm trying to convert a DVD, and this particular one either causes
MEncoder to crash or output bad video (usually the latter). I keep
getting a message (it's displayed thousands of times) that says
"[mpeg2video @ 00D9A434]MPEG motion vector out of boundary" among other
things when I tell it to be more verbose. I don't know exactly what it
means, but it's probably the reason I can't convert. MPlayer can play it
just fine, however.

mencoder dvd://3 -dvd-device /j/ -endpos 90 -priority abovenormal
-msglevel all=1:statusline=5 -of avi -oac copy -ovc x264 -x264encopts
-vf pp=lb,hqdn3d=7:6:3:3,harddup -o test.avi

I've been doing a few DVDs with these settings, and this is the first
time I've run into this kind of problem.

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