[MEncoder-users] adding harddup's after the fact...

Laine Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 15 22:03:26 CET 2009

On 12/15/09 8:09 AM, "Josh Sharpe" <josh.m.sharpe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Do I use that with -ovc copy ? Eg:
> Mencider -ovc copy -mc 0 -opfs 29.97 -oac copy -o new.avi old.avi

BTW, why don't you get that Dragon Dictation app (before they start charging
for it, if it's not too late already) for your iPhone so you can eliminate
some typing.

Are you using a Mac? You can demux and remux with MPEG Streamclip, I think.
Anyway, while you have the ac3 file separated from the pictures, you can use
SoX 14.3.0 and ffmpeg to adjust the tempo so you don't have to re-encode.
And you might as well try it because harddup is not a sure cure anyway. If
you don't have to adjust it too much, you won't lose enough quality to
notice, I think. Yes, you can keep all 6 channels.

This is the piper that came from Socke last summer. I use it practically
every time I encode. You know how to get that speed factor, right? You
determine what your current duration is and divide that by your desired
duration, which you already know will be a lower number (better use
milliseconds to be as accurate as possible). The trick is to get the desired
time. Mediainfo can help, but I think sync is pretty much perceptual anyway,
so I just play back in mplayer and (provided sync is good at the start) use
the plus and minus keys to see how much difference is needed near the end.
You already know you're going to be using the plus key. Give mplayer time to
catch up to your adjustments before evaluating.

>> ffmpeg -v 0 -i "$AUDIOFILE" -f sox - \
>> | sox -S -V -p -p speed 1.04270833333333 \
>> | ffmpeg -v 0 -i - -acodec ac3 -ab 448000 -y "$AUDIOFILE2"

Laine Lee

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