[MEncoder-users] Joining movie parts without recompressing

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Sat Mar 22 08:42:16 CET 2008

Andy Civil wrote:
> SasQ wrote:
>> Last thing left is how to copy only video streams, without sound?
>> I've tried without -oac flag, but mencoder told me that flag is necessary.
>> So I've checked mencoder -oac help, but there are only those options:
>>     copy     - frame copy, without re-encoding (useful for AC3)
>>     pcm      - uncompressed PCM audio
>>     mp3lame  - cbr/abr/vbr MP3 using libmp3lame
>>     lavc     - FFmpeg audio encoder (MP2, AC3, ...)
>>     twolame  - Twolame MP2 audio encoder
>>     faac     - FAAC AAC audio encoder
>> There isn't anything like "none" :|
> I really don't know what I'm talking about, but I did come across this on the 
> Internet... it won't take you long to try it:
> -oac pcm -nosound

You're close, but in this case '-oac pcm' is irrelevant. Specifying
'-oac <something>' is only mandatory when there is audio to be encoded;
'-nosound' disables audio.


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