[MEncoder-users] adding an image to the last of the video with mencoder

Duane Evenson duane-maillists at shaw.ca
Tue Mar 18 20:50:00 CET 2008

LuCiaNo - CeTre wrote:
> How ?
> []s
> RC wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:56:36 -0000
>> <copluk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> is it possible to add an image to the end or begining of the video
>>> with  mencoder?
>> Yes.
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I'm not an expert, but my best guess is (from an example in the man page):
Make as many copies of the image as you want frames (can be soft links)
    mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=25 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
Ensuring that you use the same codec, fps and dimensions as your movie
And then use something like
    mencoder -omovie.avi output.avi -ovc copy -oac copy -o mymovie.avi
to concatenate the movie files.

I didn't spend any time checking this answer so no guarantees, but it is 
a relatively simple problem that you can find the solution to if you 
read the manual.

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