[MEncoder-users] h264 (and help with encoding) or divx

Brian Penick bydivinerite at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 02:14:29 CET 2008

I suggest changing b_pyramid to nob_pyramid, subq=7 to subq=6 (you shouldn't
notice a drop in quality at all but it will speed up the encode), and
frameref=4 to frameref=2.  Optionally you could increase the b_bias to 20
(b_bias=20) to favor bframes a little more since b_adapt still strongly
favors P frames even when the image is totally still.  But I'm pretty sure
your biggest issue here is the b_pyramid option.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Alex Samad <alex at samad.com.au> wrote:

> Hi
> I am in the process of processing my video camera footage I have taken.
> I was hoping to go to h264, but testing the resultant files on my xbox
> (xbmc), it is very choppy, it can't seem to keep up (also encoding sound
> to aac).  So I am thinking to either go back to encoding with divx or
> buy an xbox360 ?
> I would like to stay with h264 it saves a lot of space.
> My other problem with x264 is I get boxy area's when the back ground is
> a wall, with a visible light gradient (you can see it get darker the
> further away it is).  This looks okay in the original format, but when
> encoded with x264 it goes all blocky and not smooth at all
> these are the flags I am using
>  H264COMMON=":frameref=4:mixed_refs:bframes=16:b_adapt:b_pyramid:weight_b:bime:direct_pred=auto:me=umh:me_range=24:subq=7:brdo:chroma_me:trellis=1:cabac:deblock:8x8dct:partitions=p8x8,b8x8,i8x8,i4x4:nofast_pskip:nodct_decimate:threads=auto:keyint=250:qp_min=10:qp_max=51:ip_factor=
> 1.4:pb_factor=1.3:qcomp=0.6:qblur=0.5:chroma_qp_offset=0"
>    ENC1="x264 -x264encopts pass=1:crf=18:turbo$H264COMMON"
>    ENC2="x264 -x264encopts pass=3:bitrate=$BITRATE$H264COMMON"
>    AENC="-af volnorm=1"
>    FILTER1=""
>    FILTER2="-vf spp,hqdn3d=2:1:2"
>   AUDIO="-oac faac -faacopts object=1:tns:quality=300:mpeg=4"
>    ASPECT="-aspect 16:9"
>    ADDOPT=
>    echo "Video Pass 1/3"
>        nice mencoder $QUIET \
>            $ASPECT \
>            -alang en\
>            $FILTER1 \
>            -ovc $ENC1 \
>            -nosound \
>            -passlogfile "$PASSLOG" \
>            -o /dev/null \
>            "$INFILE" $ADDOPT
>    echo "Video & Audio Pass 2/3"
>    nice mencoder $QUIET \
>            $ASPECT \
>            -alang en\
>            $FILTER2 \
>            $AENC \
>            -ovc $ENC2 \
>            -passlogfile "$PASSLOG" \
>            $AUDIO \
>            -o "$AVIFILE" \
>            "$INFILE" $ADDOPT
>    echo "Video & Audio Pass 3/3"
>    nice mencoder $QUIET \
>            $ASPECT \
>            -alang en\
>            $FILTER2 \
>            $AENC \
>            -ovc $ENC2 \
>            -passlogfile "$PASSLOG" \
>            $AUDIO \
>            -o "$AVIFILE" \
>            "$INFILE" $ADDOPT
>    echo "Extract Video"
>    nice MP4Box -aviraw video "$AVIFILE" > "$WRKDIR/aviraw_video.out" &
>    WAITPD="$!"
>    # Extracts to ${BFILE}_audio.raw
>    echo "Extract Audio"
>    nice MP4Box -aviraw audio "$AVIFILE" > "$WRKDIR/aviraw_audio.out" &
>    WAITPD="$WAITPD $!"
>    wait $WAITPD
>    echo "Make mp4"
>    MP4Box -add "$VIDFILERAW" -add "$SNDFILEAAC" -fps 25 -new
> "${OUTFILE}" > "$WRKDIR/MP4Box.out"
> What can I do to smooth out these ares with out loosing too much
> definition in the for ground.
> Also how can I use mplayer (or mencoder) to output to a jpg a specific
> frame (or time reference) so I can give examples
> Thanks
> -
> "The march to war affected the people's confidence. It's hard to make
> investment. See, if you're a small business owner or a large business owner
> and you're thinking about investing, you've got to be optimistic when you
> invest. Except when you're marching to war, it's not a very optimistic
> thought, is it? In other words, it's the opposite of optimistic when you're
> thinking you're going to war."
>        - George W. Bush
> 02/09/2004
> Springfield, MO
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFHzesikZz88chpJ2MRAhU5AJ99LTsMw5u5h1rLN/fiMV2yaas8jQCgtizW
> u3KheaAME+oLkJSZn0i11aI=
> =N5tm
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