[MEncoder-users] Convert to PSP compatible MP4: Rescaling
Shuang Wu
shuang.wu at bitcomet.com
Wed Jul 30 11:21:55 CEST 2008
I am using the following command to convert movies to PSP compatible MP4.
mencoder -sws 9 -vf pullup,softskip,scale=480:272,harddup,unsharp=l3×3:0.7 -ofps 30000/1001 -oac lavc \
-lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:vcodec=mpeg4:acodec=libfaac \
-ovc x264 -x264encopts bitrate=500:global_header:partitions=all:trellis=1:level_idc=30:threads=4 \
-of lavf -lavfopts format=psp -af volnorm -channels 2 -srate 48000 \
/|input.video|/ -o /|output.psp|/
It works, but if I tried to rescale a movie with original aspect ratio, it sometimes fails.
For example, the original movie is 640*480, to keep the original aspect ratio, the vf is set to
Unfortunately, the output mp4 file extends to 738*544...
However, I can see the video stream has the dimension of 368*272...
Is there anything wrong?
BTW, the following example is from the offical wiki, but the output
video cannot be recognised by PSP.. Why?
*Example 13.4. encode for PSP*
mencoder -ofps 30000/1001 -af lavcresample=24000 -vf harddup -of lavf \
-oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:vcodec=mpeg4:acodec=libfaac \
-lavfopts format=psp \
/|input.video|/ -o /|output.psp|/
(OS: Windows XP)
Thanks in advance.
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