[MEncoder-users] mp4 audio slipping when played back in Quicktime

Bruno Hertz brrhtz at yahoo.de
Wed Apr 30 17:32:29 CEST 2008

Bram <bram at mencoder.as.avontuur.org> writes:

> On a side note, I noticed that there's a piece of software called
> mediacoder (http://mediacoder.sf.net/) which uses a special syntax to
> have mencoder decode a video stream into multiple output streams. E.g.
> the command line it uses looks like this:
> ".\codecs\mencoder.exe" -quiet -of rawvideo -ovc raw -rawvidopts pipe=5 
> -ofps 25 -subcp cp1252 -sub-fuzziness 1 -subfont-autoscale 3 -subfont-blur 2
> -subfont-outline 2 -aid 1 -vf harddup,format=i420 -af channels=2 -oac pcm
> -pcmopts pipe=7 "Y:\test_videos\sample.wmv" -o NUL
> Now I have checked mplayer's source tree, and the mediacoder source
> tree, but I cannot for the life of me find where there 'pcmopts',
> 'rawvidopts' and their 'pipe=' parameters come from. This would be very
> neat to have, as it allows one to have a single mencoder process decode
> audio and video in 1 go. Does the author of this software have a
> secretly hidden patch up his sleeve? Or would it be easy to patch this
> into the mainstream mplayer tree?

That mencoder version is obviously patched, and the patch is not part
of the MediaCoder source tree.

I wrote to the author and asked if he could make it available.

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