[MEncoder-users] Adding harddup as an afterthought?

Ilya Zakharevich nospam-abuse at ilyaz.org
Wed Sep 26 08:49:31 CEST 2007

I have several video files encoded with 

  set video_filter=-ofps 24000/1001 -vf pullup,softskip

As I discovered, my hardware player (Philips DVP5982) does not like
them (it shows a mess for a frame or two about the time the
"duplicated-as-0" frame is added).  When doing

  set video_filter=-ofps 24000/1001 -vf pullup,softskip,harddup

everything is fine.  Is there a possibility to "add harddup" to an avi
file WITHOUT re-encoding?  Or at least with re-encoding only chunks
where duplicated-as-0 frames are nearby?


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