[MEncoder-users] output to 3gp with amr_nb

David Wadler dwadler at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 08:15:58 CEST 2007


Thanks for the help.  I could have sworn I did that, but I guess not.
Anyway, it worked.  Note to anyone else who is checking out this
thread, if you want a compliant file, you'll need to use good
dimensions like 176:144.  160x120 won't cut it.


> Hi David,

> I realize the man pages say abitrate should be provided in kbps, but
> providing a bitrate in bits/s seems to work for me in this case:

> This command:

> .\mencoder  -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts
> vcodec=h263p:vbitrate=10:acodec=libamr_nb:abitrate=10200 -of lavf -vf
> scale=160:120 -srate 8000 -af lavcresample=8000,channels=1  um.mov -o
> um-menc.3gp

> Yields this:

> Video stream:  251.612 kbit/s  (31451 B/s)  size: 944488 bytes  30.030 secs
> 720 frames
> Audio stream:   10.800 kbit/s  (1350 B/s)  size: 40500 bytes  30.000 secs

> Hope this helps,
> Brendan

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