[MEncoder-users] mencoder skips every 10 frames with "floating point exception"

Alper KANAT tunix at raptiye.org
Tue Jun 26 03:34:13 CEST 2007

Hey There,

I have created a script that converts a video to make it suitable for
iPod Video. The amazing thing is that the commented line:

mencoder -sub lost13.srt -subcp iso8859-9 -subfont-encoding unicode
-subfont-text-scale 4 -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-oac lavc -lavfopts
format=mp4:i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -vf
scale=320:240,harddup -of lavf -info artist="Lost":name="Sezon 3 Bolum
13" -o lost13.mp4 lost13.avi

works fine, but the line 1 line below doesn't work while it's the same
line with just a few variables:

mencoder -sub "$SUB" -subcp "$SUB_CP" -subfont-encoding unicode
-subfont-text-scale "$SUB_SIZE" -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-oac lavc -lavfopts
-vf scale="$SIZE",harddup -of lavf -o "$OUTPUT_FILENAME" "$INPUT_FILENAME"

So, if I type the whole command by my self in the command line, it
converts any video without any problems. But if I use this script, it
skips every 10 frame during the conversion and when the conversion ends,
it says "floating point exception.." No matter what I did (such as
-noskip) it didn't work..

I'm playing with the commands and the script for almost 4 days now.. I
really appreciate any help..


Alper KANAT (tunix at raptiye.org)
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