[MEncoder-users] need to add audio to movie question

Tom Poe tompoe at fngi.net
Wed Feb 21 21:17:37 CET 2007

RC wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:46:09 -0600
> Tom Poe <tompoe at fngi.net> wrote:
>> When I ran the next command, to create new5.mpg file, it automagically
>> set the fps setting to 25fps, but displayed each frame for 1 second. 
> -ofps skips or duplicates frames as needed to get the framerate you
> want.  So it's essentially making 25 copies of each frame.
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RC:  Holy Cow!  That's really exciting.  I had four images, originally.  
I wanted to create a movie, using a soundtrack that ran for 1:15.  So, I 
duplicated manually, each image for 22 seconds,using a fps of 1 second, 
creating a total of 90 images.  Is there something in the command:
$ mencoder mf://*.png -mf w=320:h=240:fps=1:type=png -ovc copy 
-audiofile Open_Studios_theme.ogg -oac copy -o done1.avi

that could be added to do that step?  Mencoder seems to just do it 
automagically with the next command:
$ mencoder test.avi -o new5.mpg -ofps 25 -vf scale=352:288,harddup -of 
mpeg -mpegopts format=vcd -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 
-ovc lavc -lavcopts 

but, seems like I would want to set 25fps in the first command, and just 
rely on mencoder to duplicate automagically. 

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