[MEncoder-users] DVD->AVI, file breaks at 1023MB?

David P. Donahue ddonahue at ccs.neu.edu
Sun Nov 26 15:46:44 CET 2006

I'm pretty new to using mplayer/mencoder, so this is probably a simple 
fix that I'm just not seeing.  What I'm doing is encoding a DVD to an 
AVI with the following commands:

mencoder -ovc frameno -o frameno.avi -oac copy dvd://1;
[choose my bitrate]
mencoder -o /dev/null -oac copy -alang en -ovc xvid -xvidencopts 
pass=1:bitrate=1431 -vf pullup,softskip -ofps 24000/1001 dvd://1;
mencoder -o test.avi -oac copy -alang en -ovc xvid -xvidencopts 
pass=2:bitrate=1431 -vf pullup,softskip -ofps 24000/1001 dvd://1;

The resulting file is approximately 1.4GB in size.  Now, both mplayer 
and VLC on my mac play the resulting file just fine.  However, other 
players can only see the first 1023MB of the file, and then it just 
stops playback.

I notice the following line in my mencoder output:
ODML: Starting new RIFF chunk at 1023MB

Any idea what's going on here, or what I'm doing wrong?  Any advice 
would be much appreciated, thank you.  For reference, my version 
information is as follows:

MEncoder dev-CVS-060307-04:23-4.0.1 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
Mac OSX static build for ffmpegX


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