[MEncoder-users] Audio/Video out-of-sync when using the "-noskip -mc 0"

RC rcooley at spamcop.net
Sat Jul 8 04:54:19 CEST 2006

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006 21:34:13 +0800
"Tsz Ming WONG" <tszming at gmail.com> wrote:

> For example, YouTube allow people to
> upload wmv and convert to flv, different users must have different
> framerate of wmv files being uploaded, how they tackle this kind of
> problems?

Run mplayer on the file first (you can use -identify -vo null
-benchmark, etc), and read the output to determine how long the video is
(exactly) and how many frames it has. 

Divide the total number of frames by the length (in seconds) of the
video, to get the framerate in FPS.  

You can either use that as your "-ofps" value,  OR you can decide which
_normal_ fps value the video is closest to (24, 25, 30, etc) and use
that instead.  You'll still get some warnings, but far fewer.

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