[MEncoder-users] error: cannot find codec (winxp->linux)

GROG! Uber.GROG at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 15:40:38 CET 2006

Hi all. This is my first time posting here & I'm a real NOOB when it
comes to video encoding, so please be kind :?)

I'm trying to use mencoder (dev-CVS-050928-16:38-3.4.2) on my winxp
box to resize videos to play on my zaurus handheld (running linux)
using mplayer (1.0pre6-3.4.3).

The encoding seems to go fine. I'm using this command that I took off
of an old howto site, so I'm not sure of the verasity of all the

    c:\progra~1\mplayer\mencoder infile.avi -srate 24000 -ofps 15
    -sws 2 -ovc lavc -vf scale=320:240,eq2=1.0:0.6:0.1:0.7 -lavcopts
    vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=150 -lameopts cbr:br=64:mode=3 -vop
    scale=320:240 -oac mp3lame -o outfile.avi

But when I try to play the file on the handheld, I get audio but no video. I
noticed this error:

    Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x34504D46.

Now AFAIK mplayer has the mpeg-4 codec built in:

    $ mplayer -vc help | grep -i "mpe*g[-\. ]*4"
    ff4xm       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg 4XM video  [4xm]
    ffdivx      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  [msmpeg4]
    ffmp42      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg M$ MPEG-4 v2  [msmpeg4v2]
    ffmp41      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg M$ MPEG-4 v1  [msmpeg4v1]
    ffodivx     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG-4  [mpeg4]
    xvid        xvid      working   XviD (MPEG-4)  [libxvidcore.a]
    divxds      dshow     working   DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  [divx_c32.ax]
    divx        vfw       working   DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  [divxc32.dll]
    mpeg4ds     dshow     working   Microsoft MPEG-4 v1/v2  [mpg4ds32.ax]
    mpeg4       vfw       working   Microsoft MPEG-4 v1/v2  [mpg4c32.dll]
    ubmp4       vfw       problems  UB Video MPEG 4  [ubvmp4d.dll]
    qtmpeg4     qtvideo   crashing  win32/quicktime MPEG-4 decoder

But when I run 'mplayer -v outfile.avi', I notice this:

    ==> Found video stream: 0
    ====== STREAM Header =====
    Type: vids   FCC: FMP4 (34504D46)
    Flags: 0
    Priority: 0   Language: 0
    InitialFrames: 0
    Rate: 15/1 = 15.000
    Start: 0   Len: 81286
    Suggested BufferSize: 35863
    Quality 0
    Sample size: 0
    found 'bih', 40 bytes of 40
    ======= VIDEO Format ======
    biSize 40
    biWidth 320
    biHeight 240
    biPlanes 1
    biBitCount 24
    biCompression 877677894='FMP4'
    biSizeImage 230400

Now I found references in the mencoder.devel list about there being an
inconsistancy with FMP4 between windows & linux codecs. Could this be
the problem? Is there any hope of me being able to convert my videos?

Thanks in advance.

GROG!  www         When Marriage is Outlawed, Only Outlaws will
thks  (O-O)        have Inlaws.

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