[MEncoder-users] Video bitrate 104857 kbps, video GOP is too long.

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at tiscali.it
Wed Jun 15 08:47:17 CEST 2005

Brian Keener wrote:

> That's what TMPGenc DVD Author reports when I try to add the file to a 
> new project.
> mencoder tv.avi -fps 30000/1001 -ofps 30000/1001 -of mpeg -oac lavc 
> -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=7000:keyint=15 -vf 
> harddup,hqdn3d,pp=md,scale=720:480 -mc 0 -o tvout.mpg

it's the opposite: it's too short for NTSC, that requires 18 frames for 
Those messages are harmless, but you can still override the video bitrate
setting -mpegopts format=dvd:vbitrate=7000.
BTW harddup should be the last filter afaik, and adding :mbd=2 to 
-lavcopts will
produce a better looking encode.

> It's a 512x384 source file (odd size, I know), encoded with the above 
> command line.  I can link to a short (1 second) encoded clip using 
> those same parameters, if that would help.
> Didn't seem to affect the operation of the disc at all, I just found 
> it odd, and confusing.
> Brian K

forget them

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