[MEncoder-users] chroma bleeding

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at rangers.eu.org
Thu Oct 7 01:57:40 CEST 2004


I'm encoding a badly mastered anime DVD (hence pullup AND pp=l5) and I'm
getting chroma bleeding at the edges. Any tips on how to avoid it? Here's
my commandline:

mencoder \
-ovc lavc \
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1260000:vqmin=1:vqmax=31:lmin=1.0:lmax=31.0:mbqmin=1:mbqmax=31:vqcomp=0.6:vqdiff=6:vqblur=0.5:keyint=120:v4mv:psnr:trell:mbd=2:mv0:cbp:preme=1:precmp=1:cmp=1:subcmp=1:predia=3:dia=-1:last_pred=0:qns=0:vmax_b_frames=0:vpass=1/2
-noautoexpand -force-avi-aspect 4/3 -sws 10 -ofps 24000/1001 \
-vf pullup=1:1:4:4:-1,softskip,crop=688:478:16:2,pp=l5,hqdn3d=6:4:8,scale=640:480
-oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=4:q=4:aq=0 -srate 44100 -af-adv force=1:list=resample=44100


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 We stand between the darkness ... and the light."
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