[MEncoder-users] [DONE] my first bash encoding script

ronnie escobedo tenminuteslater at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 13 05:09:38 CET 2004

I finally did it!

This script will prompt the user to enter the desired chapters for encoding. 
The chapters will then be encoded and automatically named. This is useful 
for me since I have to encode several chapters from several different dvds 
for editing.
Any how, this is my first attempt at scripting in Linux.  Since this is my 
first time I'm positive there are some errors or room for improvements.

If you use it please let me know what you think.


############## MEncoder Chapter Encoder ####################
# author: ronnie r escobedo                                #
# contact: rescobedo at mixsessions.com                       #
# created: 12-11-2004                                      #
#                                                          #
# -this script was created because I needed a better       #
#  method for encoding several chapters from several       #
#  different DVDs and not having to worry about            #
#  remembering the name of the last file                   #
#                                                          #
# -allows you to specify which chapters per dvd to encode  #
# -will automatically name the files using a number naming #
#  convention                                              #
# Everything is well commented. The only necissary changes #
# are to 'videodir'. This is where all your encoded files  #
# will be saved. The other changes that must be made are   #
# to MEncoder. Remember to change -dvd-device, set your    #
# encoding quality, video filter and crop options.         #
#                                                          #
#                                                          #
# Run script with appropriate permissions. When you launch #
# the script you will be prompted to enter the chapters    #
# for encoding. Enter 'ALL' the chapters you would like to #
# encode. The prompt will only run once.                   #
#                                                          #
# When the file encoding is complete Mplayer will play the #
# audio of the 1st avi file encoded to let you know all    #
# encoding is complete. You can comment out Mplayer or     #
# specify your own audio file.                             #

#line break
echo ""

# Prompt                                                   #

#prompt to enter chapters
echo -en "\033[1;34menter chapters to encode ex: chapters 1-3 enter 1-3 
[enter]\033[0m"; tput sgr0
read chapter_encodes

### if user input is blank
if [ -z "$chapter_encodes" ];then
echo ""
echo -en "\033[1;31myou must enter chapters to proceed, enter chapters: 
[enter]\033[0m"; tput sgr0
read chapter_encodes

# line break
echo ""

# prints chapters that will be encoded
echo -e "\033[1;34m     encoding chapter(s) $chapter_encodes\033[0m"; tput 


# end of prompt                                            #

# directory where encoded videos are saved #
# specify your directory here              #


# end of video directory                   #

# line break
echo ""

# displays directory saving files to
echo -e "\033[1;34m     saving to 
directory\033[0m""\033[1;31m'$videodir'\033[0m"; tput sgr0

# line break
echo ""

# prints encoding begining
echo -e "\033[1;31m     encoding 
tput sgr0

# pause for 4 seconds
sleep 4

# you can input chapters manually         #
# comment out the prompt section          #
# remove $chapter_encodes &               #
# insert chapters to encode ex: 1-1 2-3   #

for chapter in $chapter_encodes; do

# end of chapter input                    #

# change to video directory
cd $videodir

# check if ls-r.txt file exist
if test -e ls-r.txt

# if it does exist proceed

# pause 2 seconds
sleep 2

# reads the first line of the txt file
# first line will always be the last file numerically
vidnum=$(head -1 ls-r.txt)

#print file name
#echo $vidnum

# setting IFS to oldIFS

# field seperator

# not sure what this does but it makes it work - if you know let me know
set -- $vidnum

# before field seperator (should be a number)

# after field seperator (should be file extention - avi)

# sets oldIFS back

# prints number of file name
#echo $v1

#initialize prex to v1

#### this adds the prefix 0 to the avi file for numbers 1-9
if [ "$x" -ge 9 ];then

# remove ls-r.txt
rm -f ls-r.txt

# if ls-r.txt files does not exist then proceed from here

#initialize x & prx to 0

### will add the prefix 0 to 1.avi ex: 01.avi - to conform to naming 

# pause 1 second
sleep 1


# increments the value of x by 1
x=$(expr $x + 1)

# mencoder commands and options    #

mencoder -dvd-device /dev/hda dvd://1 -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mpeg4:vqscale=2:vhq:v4mv:trell:autoaspect -ofps 29.97 -vf 
crop=692:464:14:8,pp=fd -noskip -chapter $chapter -o 

# end of mencoder options          #

# outputs recursive ls info to a txt file
ls -r *.avi > ls-r.txt

# pause 2 second
sleep 2

# end of loop

# line break
echo ""

# prints encoding complete
echo -e "\033[1;31m     ....\033[0m""\033[1;34m....encoding 
complete\033[0m"; tput sgr0

# line break
echo ""

# encoding done                                #

# change to video directory
cd $videodir

# press Q to end Mplayer
echo -e "\033[1;31m     press [q] to quit Mplayer\033[0m"; tput sgr0

# pause 3 seconds
sleep 3

# press Q to end Mplayer
echo -e "\033[1;31m     press [q] to quit Mplayer\033[0m"; tput sgr0

# line break
echo ""

# play audio from 01.avi - just incase you walk away you know your encoding 
is now done =)
# comment out mplayer if you do not want to play 01.avi audio
mplayer -vo null 01.avi

# line break
echo ""

# press Q to end Mplayer
echo -e "\033[1;31m     press [q] to quit Mplayer\033[0m"; tput sgr0

# line break
echo ""

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