[Libav-user] Can You Step Through FFMPEG API Source code in Visual Studio C++ (Windows)

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 06:46:46 EET 2020

> Am 14.01.2020 um 01:28 schrieb Rennie Johnson <renniejohnson at roadrunner.com>:
> Can someone please tell me if it is possible to build the FFMPEG executable from the source code on Visual Studio C++

This is not possible but why don’t you compile with the Microsoft C compiler and use the resulting library in Visual Studio?

> and step through the API C code while running inside the Visual Studio IDE debug environment? 

> As there is minimal technical support available, this is the only way I think I can learn how to use the API properly for my specific purposes.

Did you see doc/examples?

Carl Eugen
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