[Libav-user] Dealing with badly formed Headers

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Thu May 2 16:13:51 EEST 2019

Am Do., 2. Mai 2019 um 13:54 Uhr schrieb Paul Sanderson
<nannapie at hotmail.co.uk>:

> I’m successfully decoding a video stream from a camera that uses h264 and JPEGs.
> However.. there is a bug in the camera so the JPEG header does not contain the width
> information. This throws a picture invalid size (which it should).

Can you "record" what the camera sends and provide a sample file?
Did you try with ffmpeg, the application?

You can in general not set fields that a decoder is supposed to fill
but I wonder how
the camera provider expects you to decode the stream...

Carl Eugen

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