[Libav-user] Hardware decoding on iOS devices ...... VideoToolbox .. how to know?

JP May jpm at smhk.com
Thu Jan 24 16:21:51 EET 2019

Carl, thanks a million for the answer,

(1) Ahh, fascinating.  So it could be that 

	i. ffmpeg is in fact using VideoToolbox


	ii. VideoToolbox is using software decoding !!!!!!!!!!!

Good grief!  I did not think of that!

Let me ask,

(Q1) Is there a way to absolutely know if Ffmpeg is using VideoToolbox?

It seems that

	A- sometimes ffmpeg decodes itself in software
	B- sometimes ffmpeg uses VideoToolbox

the first problem we face is whether A or B is happening.

For example, would there be a way to simply turn off “A”

so that it will either use VideoToolbox, or just fail ?

This would drastically help by removing one variable.

How to know if ffmpeg used VideoToolbox?

Thanks again .. really …

> On Jan 24, 2019, at 7:37 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos <ceffmpeg at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2019-01-24 14:20 GMT+01:00, JP May <jpm at smhk.com>:
>> My question is simply: How do you ABSOLUTELY KNOW
>> whether hardware or software decoding was used?
> I don't think so as VideoToolbox does software decoding at least
> theoretically.
> Carl Eugen

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