[Libav-user] HELP -- MUX audio and video files

Chirag Bhardwaj dev_chirag1630 at outlook.com
Tue Jan 2 13:00:45 EET 2018

Hello All,

I have two different files stored in disk memory, one mp4 which doesnt have audio and another mp3, I want to Mux the mp3 into mp4 and generate a new video which has both video and audio. I am using FFMPEG(AVCodec library) to solve this purpose, i am a newbie in this and I followed this example<http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/doc_2examples_2muxing_8c-example.html>, I am unable to figure out how to pass onto the files on the disk and where actually the streams are being fetched and inserted into the new file. Please if anyone can help me inputting two different files and muxing them to generate a muxed file?

Looking forward to answers..!

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