[Libav-user] Adding alpha channel to h264 encoder

Michael IV explomaster at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 18:54:25 EEST 2017

As far as I know h264 doesn't support alpha.  But  VP8 does.

On Sep 12, 2017 2:06 PM, "Davood Falahati" <falahati.davood at gmail.com>

> Dear community,
> I have a opevCV Mat frame, call it mask. I decode frames into AVFrame,
> convert AVFrame to openCV Mat and encode them into AVPacket again.
> Now, I want to add an alpha channel to my resulting video. Can you help me
> with that?
> - FYI, I tried to add alpha channel to openCV Mat and convert it to
> AVFrame. But it fades whole the video and it mars the color distribution.
> Best
> Davood Falahati
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