[Libav-user] IntPtr to Packet data is not woking

Gonzalo Garramuño ggarra13 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 23:43:56 EET 2017

El 15/02/17 a las 03:58, Prakash Rokade escribió:
> Thanks Gonzalo,
> According to your suggestion i have written the below code can you 
> check ones, because audio is written but in output file no audio is 
> present.
You are opening the stream with AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 and then using 
sample_fmt[0]. That's inconsistent to say the least.
You are not using swresample to take one audio format to another.
You have a swscale ptr which has nothing to do with audio.
You are using the new API but are not handling the AVERROR(EAGAIN) 
cases.  For this trial, use the old api which is more reliable for muxing.
Try to get the sample in doc/examples working and slowly modify it to 
fit your need.

Gonzalo Garramuño

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