[Libav-user] undefined reference to `vaGetDisplay'

Davood Falahati falahati.davood at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 01:10:04 EET 2017

Dear all,

I has compiled ffmpeg from source as per instructed by :


When I want to compile my code, I get this error:

error: undefined reference to `*vaGetDisplay*'

I have also added the following static libs:

LIBS += -L/home/dfalahati/*ffmpeg_build*/lib -lavdevice -lavfilter
-lavformat -lavcodec -lx264 -lx265 -lpostproc -lvpx  -lmp3lame
-lfdk-aac   -lswresample -lswscale -lavutil -lopus -lyasm

LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lm -lz -ldl -lvorbis -lass -ltheora  \

        -lX11  -lasound -lpthread  -lz -pthread -lXv \

        -lvdpau -lva-drm  -lva -lxcb-shm -lxcb-xfixes \

         -lxcb -lXau -lXdmcp  \

         -lrt  -lvorbisenc -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg \

        -lfontconfig -lfribidi -lexpat -lfreetype -lpng12 -llzma  -lnuma \

          -lpulse-simple -lpulse -lstdc++ -lrt

         -lharfbuzz  -llzma -lbz2

FYI, I am using ubuntu and I use QtCreator as my favorite C/C++ IDE.

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