[Libav-user] Server out stream as RTP

Simon Brown simon.k.brown at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 15:04:30 EEST 2016

On 23 September 2016 at 09:27, Simon Brown <simon.k.brown at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to serve a transport stream generated by hardware out on as an
> RTP stream.  Is there an example I can use to help me do this?  I've been
> looking through ffserver.c but that is much more complicated than I need,
> and seems to be largely aimed at serving files out.
> Cheers,
> Simon

Ok, I've taken a step back.
If I type:
ffplay -i tcp://localhost:60010?listen
in one window, and
ffmpeg -i INPUT -f mpegts tcp://localhost:60010

my video plays.

For my use though, I don't want to wade through ffmpeg.c to find what it's
doing, and wanted a much simpler example that isn't transcoding, but just
transmitting a ready made transport stream.  I found in the examples
directory "http_multiclient.c" and thought this would do for me, at least
as a starting point.
My problem is that if I start ffplay with "?listen" first, then
http_multiclient won't connect, yet if I start http_multiclient first it
says "Client not accepted" and aborts.
My http_multiclient command line is:
./http_multiclient ts_file tcp://localhost:60010

It seems that http_multiclient is trying to listen on the server socket,
but not avio_accept is returning immediately with a "client not accepted".
How can I make this work?

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