[Libav-user] Using the latest ffmpeg-libs on Fedora 24

Sébastien Le Roux sebastien.leroux at ipcms.unistra.fr
Tue Nov 29 13:08:06 EET 2016

Dear all,
first thanks for reading this message, I hope that I found the 
appropriate place to ask for advise.
I wrote/am writing a program with an OpenGL interface as well as an 
interface to encode movies
using the ffmpeg libraries, so far everything worked nicely and I was 
able to encode movie  from
my OpenGL window (mpeg, mpeg4, h264, theora and flash) but recently I 
updated the lib my Fedora
to use the latest lib available (ffmpeg-libs-3.1.5-1.fc24.x86_64, 
ffmpeg-3.1.5-1.fc24.x86_64, ffmpeg-devel-3.1.5-1.fc24.x86_64)
when compiling the program I received many warning about function being 
depreciated, and I try
to update to code, unsuccessfully so far, that is why I am sending this 
email today.

You will find two pieces of code attached to this message:
- (1) old-movie.c
- (2) new-movie.c

(1) is the old version of my code, that send many warning when compiling 
with the new lib, but work great
nevertheless,  I can encode mpeg, mpeg4, h264, theora and flash movie 
perfectly ... well the code
might not be perfect I learned by my-self after all but the results are 
just fine.

(2) is the new version of my code, no warning at compilation time 
(expect for the 'avcodec_encode_video2'
but so far I could not get rid of this instruction), but It woks poorly, 
I can only encode mpeg and mpeg4
movie, the h264 file is empty after the job, and the theora encoding 
results in a fatal error that kills the
program ... not what I whish for obviously ...

I do not understand what I am missing, I tried to used all the examples 
provide by the "https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen"$
pages but so far ... well not so good ...

I would really appreciate any help to understand what I do wrong here, 
so thanks in advance for your lights !
Not to mention that I would gladly take any advise to improve my code, 
in case something was wrong anyway.

Best regards

Sébastien Le Roux

Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département des Matériaux Organiques
23, rue du Loess
BP 43
F-67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
E-mail: sebastien.leroux at ipcms.unistra.fr
Webpage: http://www.ipcms.unistra.fr/?page_id=14965&lang=en
RINGS project: http://rings-code.sourceforge.net/
ISAACS project: http://isaacs.sourceforge.net/
Fax:   +33 3 88 10 72 46
Phone: +33 3 88 10 71 58

-------------- next part --------------

#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/avutil.h>
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>

#include "global.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "glwindow.h"
#include "glview.h"
#include "movie.h"


#define AVS_FRAME_ALIGN 16

#define RGB_TO_Y(pixels, loc) (0.29900 * pixels[loc] + 0.58700 * pixels[loc+1] + 0.11400 * pixels[loc+2])
#define RGB_TO_U(pixels, loc)(-0.16874 * pixels[loc] - 0.33126 * pixels[loc+1] + 0.50000 * pixels[loc+2]+128.0)
#define RGB_TO_V(pixels, loc) (0.50000 * pixels[loc] - 0.41869 * pixels[loc+1] - 0.08131 * pixels[loc+2]+128.0)

#define AVIO_FLAG_READ 1


#ifndef URL_WRONLY
#  define 	URL_WRONLY   1

char * codec_name[VIDEO_CODECS] = {"MPEG-1/2",

char * codec_list[VIDEO_CODECS] = {"mpeg",


static struct SwsContext * sws_context = NULL;
GdkPixbuf * pixbuf;
uint8_t * video_outbuf;
int video_outbuf_size;
int num_frames;

void convert_rgb_pixbuf_to_yuv (GdkPixbuf * pixbuf, AVFrame * picture, int w, int h)
  gint x, y, location, location2;
  gint inner_x, inner_y, half_location;
  gfloat cr, cb;
  gint pixbuf_xsize, pixbuf_ysize;
  guchar * pixels;
  gint row_stride;
  gboolean x_odd, y_odd;

  pixbuf_xsize = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
  pixbuf_ysize = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
  pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
  row_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
  y_odd = (pixbuf_ysize & 0x1);
  x_odd = (pixbuf_xsize & 0x1);

  /* note, the Cr and Cb info is subsampled by 2x2 */
  for (y=0; y<pixbuf_ysize-1; y+=2)
    for (x=0; x<pixbuf_xsize-1; x+=2)
      cb = 0.0;
      cr = 0.0;
      for (inner_y = y; inner_y < y+2; inner_y++)
      for (inner_x = x; inner_x < x+2; inner_x++)
        location = inner_y*row_stride+3*inner_x;
        picture -> data[0][inner_x+inner_y*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location);
        cb += RGB_TO_U (pixels, location);
        cr += RGB_TO_V (pixels, location);
      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = cb/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = cr/4.0;
    if (x_odd)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;
      location2 = (y+1)*row_stride+3*x;

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location2);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location) + RGB_TO_U(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location) + RGB_TO_V(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
  if (y_odd)
    for (x=0; x<pixbuf_xsize-1; x+=2)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;
      location2 = y*row_stride+3*(x+1);

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location2);
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location)+RGB_TO_U(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location)+RGB_TO_V(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
    if (x_odd)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location)+384)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location)+384)/4.0;

static void ffmpeg_encoder_set_frame_yuv_from_rgb (uint8_t * rgb, AVFrame * frame, int width, int height)
  const int in_linesize = 4*width;
  sws_context = sws_getCachedContext (sws_context,
                                      width, height, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA,
                                      width, height, PIXEL_FORMAT,
                                      0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  sws_scale (sws_context, (const uint8_t * const *)&rgb, & in_linesize, 0, height, frame -> data, frame -> linesize);

static GLubyte * read_opengl_image (gboolean movie, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
  size_t i, nvals;
  nvals = width * height * 4;
  GLubyte * pixels = malloc (nvals * sizeof(GLubyte));
  GLubyte * rgb = malloc (nvals * sizeof(GLubyte));
  glReadPixels (0, 0, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
  // Flip data veritcally
  for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
    memcpy (rgb + 4 * width * i, pixels  + 4 * width * (height - i - 1), 4 * width);
  free (pixels);
  return rgb;

void fill_image (AVFrame * frame, int width, int height, gboolean movie, glwin * view)
  // opengl call is here !!!
  reshape (view, width, height);
  draw (view);
  GLubyte * image = read_opengl_image (movie, width, height);

  if (movie)
     ffmpeg_encoder_set_frame_yuv_from_rgb (image, frame, width, height);
    cairo_surface_t * surf = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ((guchar *)image, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
                             width, height, cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width));
    pixbuf = convert_to_pixbuf (surf);
    cairo_surface_destroy (surf);
  free (image);

static void write_video_frame (AVFormatContext * f_context,
                               AVCodecContext * c_context, AVStream * stream,
                               AVFrame * frame, int frame_id, glwin * view)
  int out_size;
  int got_frame = 1;

  fill_image (frame, c_context -> width, c_context -> height, TRUE, view);

  AVPacket packet;
  av_init_packet (& packet);
  packet.data = NULL;
  packet.size = 0;
  frame -> pts = frame_id;
  out_size = avcodec_encode_video2 (c_context, & packet, frame, & got_frame);

  // The following does not work, I found nothing else but to stick the "outdated" avcodec_encode_video2
  //got_frame = 1;
  //out_size = avcodec_send_frame (c_context, frame);
  if (out_size < 0)
    // "Error while encoding video frame"
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: error:: %s", av_err2str (out_size));
    if (got_frame == 0)
      // "Error while encoding video frame"
       g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: warning:: frame ignored, packet empty, frame= %d", frame_id);

      packet.stream_index = stream -> index;
      packet.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd (packet.dts,
                                     c_context -> time_base,
                                     stream -> time_base,
      packet.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd (packet.pts,
                                     c_context -> time_base,
                                     stream -> time_base,
      packet.duration = av_rescale_q (packet.duration,
                                      c_context -> time_base,
                                      stream -> time_base);
      packet.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
      out_size = av_interleaved_write_frame (f_context, & packet);
      if (out_size != 0)
        // "Error while writting video frame"
        g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: error:: %s", av_err2str(out_size));

static AVFrame * alloc_video_frame (int width, int height)
  AVFrame * frame;
  frame = av_frame_alloc ();
  if (! frame)
    return NULL;
  frame -> format = PIXEL_FORMAT;
  frame -> width = width;
  frame -> height = height;
  if (av_image_alloc (frame -> data, frame -> linesize, frame -> width, frame -> height, frame -> format, 32) < 0)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not allocate picture buffer");
    return NULL;
  return frame;

AVStream * add_video_stream (AVFormatContext * format,
                             AVCodec * codec,
                             AVCodecContext * context,
                             int framesec,
                             int extraframes,
                             int bitrate,
                             int video_res[2])
  AVStream * st;
  st = avformat_new_stream (format, codec);
  if (! st)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not create video stream");
    return NULL;

  /* put sample parameters */
  context -> bit_rate_tolerance = bitrate*1000;
  context -> bit_rate = bitrate*1000;

  /* resolution must be a multiple of two */
  context -> width = video_res[0];
  context -> height = video_res[1];
  /* time base: this is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
     of which frame timestamps are represented. for fixed-fps content,
     timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
     identically 1. */
  context -> time_base.den = framesec; /* 25 images/s */
  context -> time_base.num = 1;
  context -> gop_size = extraframes; /* emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most */
  context -> pix_fmt = PIXEL_FORMAT;

   Some container formats (like MP4) require global headers to be present
   Mark the encoder so that it behaves accordingly.
  if (format -> oformat -> flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
    context -> flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
  if (avcodec_parameters_from_context (st -> codecpar, context) < 0)
    g_debug ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Failed to copy codec parameters to video stream");
    return NULL;
  return st;

gboolean create_movie (glwin * view,
                       GtkProgressBar * bar,
                       int framesec,
                       int extraframes,
                       int codec,
                       int oglquality,
                       int bitrate,
                       int video_res[2],
                       gchar * videofile)
  int i, q;
  AVCodec * av_codec = NULL;
  AVFormatContext * format_context = NULL;
  AVCodecContext * av_codec_context = NULL;
  AVStream * av_stream = NULL;
  int error;

#ifdef DEBUG
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: frames per seconds:: %d", framesec);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: extra frames every:: %d frame(s)", extraframes);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: birate:: %d", bitrate);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: video_x = %d , video_y = %d", video_res[0], video_res[1]);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: codec:: %d, name= %s, ext= %s", codec, codec_name[codec], codec_list[codec]);
#endif // DEBUG

  num_frames = view -> anim -> frames;
  av_register_all ();
  avcodec_register_all ();

  if (! (format_context = avformat_alloc_context()))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not allocate AV format context");
    return FALSE;

  // Guess the desired container format based on file extension
  if (! (format_context -> oformat = av_guess_format (NULL, videofile, NULL)))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not deduce container format: please change file name");
    return FALSE;

  if (! (av_codec = avcodec_find_encoder (codec_id[codec])))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not find codec:: %s", codec_name[codec]);
    return FALSE;

  if (! (av_codec_context = avcodec_alloc_context3(av_codec)))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not allocate an encoding context");
    return FALSE;

  av_stream = add_video_stream (format_context,
  if (! av_stream)
    // Error impossible to allocate stream
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: could not create video stream");
    return FALSE;

  if (codec_id[codec] == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) av_opt_set (av_stream -> priv_data, "preset", "slow", 0);

  /* open the codec */
  if ((error = avcodec_open2 (av_codec_context, av_codec, NULL)) < 0)
    // Can not open codec
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: could not open codec, error= %s", av_err2str(error));
    return FALSE;

  AVFrame * picture = alloc_video_frame (av_codec_context -> width,
                                         av_codec_context -> height);

  av_dump_format (format_context, 0, videofile, 1);

  if (avio_open (& format_context -> pb, videofile, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0)
   // error impossible to open output file
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Impossible to open the video file '%s'", videofile);
    return FALSE;

  if (avformat_write_header (format_context, NULL) < 0)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Impossible to write the AV format header");
    return FALSE;

  // View is the name of a structure that contains the data I want to render
  view -> anim -> last = view -> anim -> first;
  int frame_id;
  for (frame_id = 0; frame_id < num_frames; frame_id ++)
    write_video_frame (format_context, av_codec_context, av_stream, picture, frame_id, view);
    if (frame_id < num_frames-1) view -> anim -> last = view -> anim -> last -> next;
  av_write_trailer (format_context);
  avcodec_close (av_codec_context);

  /* free the streams */
  for (i=0; i<format_context -> nb_streams; i++)
    av_freep (& format_context -> streams[i]);
  av_freep (& picture -> data[0]);
  av_frame_free (& picture);
  if (!(format_context -> flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
    /* close the output file */
    avio_close (format_context -> pb);
  /* free the stream */
  av_free (format_context);
  return TRUE;
-------------- next part --------------

#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/avutil.h>
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>

#include "global.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "glwindow.h"
#include "glview.h"
#include "movie.h"


#define AVS_FRAME_ALIGN 16

#define RGB_TO_Y(pixels, loc) (0.29900 * pixels[loc] + 0.58700 * pixels[loc+1] + 0.11400 * pixels[loc+2])
#define RGB_TO_U(pixels, loc)(-0.16874 * pixels[loc] - 0.33126 * pixels[loc+1] + 0.50000 * pixels[loc+2]+128.0)
#define RGB_TO_V(pixels, loc) (0.50000 * pixels[loc] - 0.41869 * pixels[loc+1] - 0.08131 * pixels[loc+2]+128.0)

#define AVIO_FLAG_READ 1


#ifndef URL_WRONLY
#  define 	URL_WRONLY   1

char * codec_name[VIDEO_CODECS] = {"MPEG-1/2",

char * codec_list[VIDEO_CODECS] = {"mpeg",


static struct SwsContext * sws_context = NULL;
GdkPixbuf * pixbuf;
uint8_t * video_outbuf;
int video_outbuf_size;
int num_frames;

void convert_rgb_pixbuf_to_yuv (GdkPixbuf * pixbuf, AVFrame * picture, int w, int h)
  gint x, y, location, location2;
  gint inner_x, inner_y, half_location;
  gfloat cr, cb;
  gint pixbuf_xsize, pixbuf_ysize;
  guchar * pixels;
  gint row_stride;
  gboolean x_odd, y_odd;

  pixbuf_xsize = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
  pixbuf_ysize = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
  pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
  row_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
  y_odd = (pixbuf_ysize & 0x1);
  x_odd = (pixbuf_xsize & 0x1);

  /* note, the Cr and Cb info is subsampled by 2x2 */
  for (y=0; y<pixbuf_ysize-1; y+=2)
    for (x=0; x<pixbuf_xsize-1; x+=2)
      cb = 0.0;
      cr = 0.0;
      for (inner_y = y; inner_y < y+2; inner_y++)
      for (inner_x = x; inner_x < x+2; inner_x++)
        location = inner_y*row_stride+3*inner_x;
        picture -> data[0][inner_x+inner_y*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location);
        cb += RGB_TO_U (pixels, location);
        cr += RGB_TO_V (pixels, location);
      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = cb/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = cr/4.0;
    if (x_odd)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;
      location2 = (y+1)*row_stride+3*x;

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = RGB_TO_Y (pixels, location2);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location) + RGB_TO_U(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location) + RGB_TO_V(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
  if (y_odd)
    for (x=0; x<pixbuf_xsize-1; x+=2)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;
      location2 = y*row_stride+3*(x+1);

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location2);
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location)+RGB_TO_U(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location)+RGB_TO_V(pixels, location2)+256)/4.0;
    if (x_odd)
      location = y*row_stride+3*x;

      picture -> data[0][x+y*w] = RGB_TO_Y(pixels, location);
      picture -> data[0][x+1+y*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+(y+1)*w] = 0;
      picture -> data[0][x+1+(y+1)*w] = 0;

      half_location = x/2 + y*w/4;
      picture -> data[1][half_location] = (RGB_TO_U(pixels, location)+384)/4.0;
      picture -> data[2][half_location] = (RGB_TO_V(pixels, location)+384)/4.0;

static void ffmpeg_encoder_set_frame_yuv_from_rgb (uint8_t * rgb, AVFrame * frame, int width, int height)
  const int in_linesize = 4*width;
  sws_context = sws_getCachedContext (sws_context,
                                      width, height, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA,
                                      width, height, PIXEL_FORMAT,
                                      0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  sws_scale (sws_context, (const uint8_t * const *)&rgb, & in_linesize, 0, height, frame -> data, frame -> linesize);

static GLubyte * read_opengl_image (gboolean movie, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
  size_t i, nvals;
  nvals = width * height * 4;
  GLubyte * pixels = malloc (nvals * sizeof(GLubyte));
  GLubyte * rgb = malloc (nvals * sizeof(GLubyte));
  glReadPixels (0, 0, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
  // Flip data veritcally
  for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
    memcpy (rgb + 4 * width * i, pixels  + 4 * width * (height - i - 1), 4 * width);
  free (pixels);
  return rgb;

void fill_image (AVFrame * frame, int width, int height, gboolean movie, glwin * view)
  // opengl call is here !!!
  reshape (view, width, height);
  draw (view);
  GLubyte * image = read_opengl_image (movie, width, height);
  if (movie)
    //if (movie) convert_rgb_pixbuf_to_yuv (pixbuf, frame, width, height);
     ffmpeg_encoder_set_frame_yuv_from_rgb (image, frame, width, height);
    cairo_surface_t * surf = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ((guchar *)image, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
                             width, height, cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width));
    pixbuf = convert_to_pixbuf (surf);
    cairo_surface_destroy (surf);
  free (image);

static void write_video_frame (AVFormatContext * f_context, AVStream * stream,
                               AVFrame * frame, int frame_id, glwin * view)
  int out_size;
  int got_frame = 1;
  AVCodecContext * c_context = stream -> codec;
  fill_image (frame, c_context -> width, c_context -> height, TRUE, view);

  AVPacket packet;
  av_init_packet (& packet);
  packet.data = NULL;
  packet.size = 0;
  frame -> pts = frame_id;
  out_size = avcodec_encode_video2 (c_context, & packet, frame, & got_frame);
  out_size = avcodec_encode_video (c_context, video_outbuf, video_outbuf_size, frame);
  if (out_size < 0)
    // "Error while encoding video frame"
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: error:: %s", av_err2str (out_size));
    if (got_frame == 0)
      // "Error while encoding video frame"
       g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: warning:: packet empty, ignoring frame= %d", frame_id);
      packet.stream_index = stream -> index;
      packet.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd (packet.dts,
                                     c_context -> time_base,
                                     stream -> time_base,
      packet.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd (packet.pts,
                                     c_context -> time_base,
                                     stream -> time_base,
      packet.duration = av_rescale_q (packet.duration,
                                      c_context -> time_base,
                                      stream -> time_base);
  packet.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
      if(c_context -> coded_frame -> key_frame)
        packet.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
        packet.flags |= PKT_FLAG_KEY;
      out_size = av_interleaved_write_frame (f_context, & packet);
      if (out_size != 0)
        // "Error while encoding video frame"
        g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: VIDEO_FRAME:: error:: %s", av_err2str(out_size));

static AVFrame * alloc_video_frame (int width, int height)
  AVFrame * frame;
  frame = av_frame_alloc ();
  if (! frame)
    return NULL;
  frame -> format = PIXEL_FORMAT;
  frame -> width = width;
  frame -> height = height;
  if (av_image_alloc (frame -> data, frame -> linesize, frame -> width, frame -> height, frame -> format, 32) < 0)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not allocate picture buffer");
    return NULL;
  return frame;

AVStream * add_video_stream (AVFormatContext * fc,
                             AVCodec * output_codec,
                             int framesec,
                             int extraframes,
                             int bitrate,
                             int video_res[2])
  AVStream * st;
  st = avformat_new_stream (fc, output_codec);
  st = av_new_stream (fc, output_codec);
  if (! st)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not create video stream");
    return NULL;
  st -> codec -> codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
  st -> codec -> codec_type =  CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO;

  /* put sample parameters */
  st -> codec -> bit_rate_tolerance = bitrate*1000;
  st -> codec -> bit_rate = bitrate*1000;

  /* resolution must be a multiple of two */
  st -> codec -> width = video_res[0];
  st -> codec -> height = video_res[1];
  /* time base: this is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
     of which frame timestamps are represented. for fixed-fps content,
     timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
     identically 1. */
  st -> codec -> time_base.den = framesec; /* 25 images/s */
  st -> codec -> time_base.num = 1;
  st -> codec -> gop_size = extraframes; /* emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most */
  st -> codec -> pix_fmt = PIXEL_FORMAT;
  //st -> codec -> max_b_frames = 1;
  return st;

gboolean create_movie (glwin * view,
                       GtkProgressBar * bar,
                       int framesec,
                       int extraframes,
                       int codec,
                       int oglquality,
                       int bitrate,
                       int video_res[2],
                       gchar * videofile)
  int i, q;
  AVCodec * av_codec = NULL;
  AVFormatContext * format_context = NULL;
  AVStream * av_stream = NULL;
  int error;

#ifdef DEBUG
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: frames per seconds:: %d", framesec);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: extra frames every:: %d frame(s)", extraframes);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: birate:: %d", bitrate);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: video_x = %d , video_y = %d", video_res[0], video_res[1]);
  g_debug ("VIDEO ENCODING:: codec:: %d, name= %s, ext= %s", codec, codec_name[codec], codec_list[codec]);
#endif // DEBUG

  num_frames = view -> anim -> frames;
  av_register_all ();
  avcodec_register_all ();

  if (! (format_context = avformat_alloc_context()))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not allocate AV format context");
    return FALSE;

  // Guess the desired container format based on file extension
  if (! (format_context -> oformat = av_guess_format (NULL, videofile, NULL)))
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not deduce container format: please change file name");
    return FALSE;
  //av_strlcpy (format_context -> filename, videofile, sizeof(format_context)->filename);
  if (! (av_codec = avcodec_find_encoder (codec_id[codec])))
    // Codec not found
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Could not find codec:: %s", codec_name[codec]);
    return FALSE;

  av_stream = add_video_stream (format_context,
  if (! av_stream)
    // Error impossible to allocate stream
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: could not create video stream");
    return FALSE;
  if (codec_id[codec] == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) av_opt_set (av_stream -> priv_data, "preset", "slow", 0);
   Some container formats (like MP4) require global headers to be present
   Mark the encoder so that it behaves accordingly.
  if (format_context -> oformat -> flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
    av_stream -> codec -> flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;

  /* open the codec */
  if ((error = avcodec_open2 (av_stream -> codec, av_codec, NULL)) < 0)
    // Can not open codec
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: could not open codec, error= %s", av_err2str(error));
    return FALSE;

  av_dump_format (format_context, 0, videofile, 1);
  dump_format (av_format_context, 0, videofile, 1);

  if (avio_open (& format_context -> pb, videofile, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0)
  if (url_fopen (& av_format_context -> pb, videofile, URL_WRONLY) < 0)
  // error impossible to open output file
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Impossible to open the video file '%s'", videofile);
    return FALSE;

  if (avformat_write_header (format_context, NULL) < 0)
  if (av_set_parameters (av_format_context, NULL) < 0)
    g_warning ("MOVIE_ENCODING:: Impossible to write the AV format header");
    return FALSE;

  AVFrame * picture = alloc_video_frame (av_stream -> codec -> width,
                                         av_stream -> codec -> height);

  // View is the name of a structure that contains the data I want to render
  view -> anim -> last = view -> anim -> first;
  int frame_id;
  for (frame_id = 0; frame_id < num_frames; frame_id ++)
    write_video_frame (format_context, av_stream, picture, frame_id, view);
    if (frame_id < num_frames-1) view -> anim -> last = view -> anim -> last -> next;
  av_write_trailer (format_context);
  avcodec_close (av_stream -> codec);

  /* free the streams */
  for (i=0; i<format_context -> nb_streams; i++)
    av_freep (& format_context -> streams[i] -> codec);
  av_freep (& picture -> data[0]);
  av_frame_free (& picture);
  if (!(format_context -> flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
    /* close the output file */
    avio_close (format_context -> pb);
    url_fclose (av_format_context -> pb);
  /* free the stream */
  av_free (format_context);
  return TRUE;

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