[Libav-user] Muxed audio and video streams are not synchronized.

Talgorn François-Xavier fxtalgorn at yahoo.fr
Thu Jun 11 11:53:41 CEST 2015

Hello Carl,
Thank you for your email.

1) You will find the way I set the encoder below the first chunk of code.
2) I don't understand you question about the scale and overlay.
My fund YUVtoRGB scales from yup to rob and apply no filters at all.
I need to draw on the decoded image, and it simpler to do it in RGB mode.
I don't see how I can avoid scaling as you mention... Could you precise what it is ?

Le 11 juin 2015 à 11:46, Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at> a écrit :

> Talgorn François-Xavier <fxtalgorn-at-yahoo.fr at ...> writes:
>> 2) The resulting image quality is poor, we can see macro 
>> blocks covering the whole images (even in still parts of 
>> the frames).
> You do not show the initialization of the 
> encoder you are using.
> (Or do you?)
>> rgb_pix->av_frame=YUVtoRGB(yuv_pix->av_frame, in_stream->codec);
>> waterMark(rgb_pix->av_frame, in_stream->codec);
>> yuv_pix->av_frame=RGBtoYUV(rgb_pix->av_frame, in_stream->codec);
> Did you try the scale and the overlay filter?
> They should be very fast (and you may not have to 
> scale at all).
> Carl Eugen
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