[Libav-user] Would anyone find an OS X / Cocoa / Swift wrapper for Libav useful?

Robin Stevens rdstevens at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 11:42:27 CET 2015

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 11:14 PM, wm4 <nfxjfg at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:26:35 +0000
> Robin Stevens <rdstevens at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't think that level of discoverability is true of the C
>> structs-and-functions API that the ffmpeg libraries currently use.
> Idiotic prejudices against C APIs are not helpful here. FFmpeg is
> mostly not a good C API and could be better, simple as that.

I have no such prejudice. The level of discoverability of the C
structs-and-functions API that the *ffmpeg* libraries currently use is
not great.

It's entirely possible to make discoverable APIs in C; just that I
don't think ffmpeg has one.

> So I wonder what your .net wrapper is supposed to help here. It
> basically turns all public fields into trivial properties that get or
> set the field. What's the use?

That's a fair criticism of much of the wrapper. The use is to expose
the FFmpeg api to C#, the getters and setters help with that. (The
wrapper is in managed C++/CLI, so the interop is taken care of for

There is some value in the methods (instance or static) on the types,
which makes for greater discoverability, but doesn't really help you
understand when and where a particular type is meant to be used.

> Anyway, yes, that's one of the problem with this "let's dump everything
> into a big struct" API. A big class with hundreds of getters and
> setters is better?

It can be, yes. Take the AVFrame struct, and look at the sample_rate
member. Is this a read-only property? Can it be written to? Does that
operation make even make sense?

Perhaps I want to change the sample rate of a frame. From this API I
might think I just need to set a value on that variable and the
library will magically change the sample rate for me.

The ffmpeg API does NOT tell me. The only way to find out is to dive
in to the code. That is a deficiency of the interface which should
specify such things. (And my preference is for language support so
that the specification is enforceable by the compiler, but that's just
my preference.)

My wrapper only has a getter for that property, so it's a syntax error
to attempt to set it. It's clear to the user that they cannot change
the sample rate by setting that property, and need to go and look

C cannot (AFAIK) specify in the language whether a variable is
publicly read-only or writeable, so static checking is not available.
The solution to this, as far as the FFmpeg API is concerned, appears
to be to document in the comment whether the field is writeable.

That's perfectly reasonable, although not consistently done. Easy to
fix though, if you have the knowledge.

Another small win: basic class hierarchy.

The AVFrame structure encapsulates two very different types of frames:
audio and video; and has a bunch of variables that apply to one or the
other, but not both (and some variables that *do* apply to both). My
wrapper splits AVFrame into a base class, an AVVideoFrame and an

This could presumably be done in the FFmpeg API but the devs have
chosen to spend their time elsewhere.

I'll admit that this is a a tiny, marginal win (at best) over ffmpeg,
given the comment SAYS audio sample rate. Though it *is* a small win,
and lots of those add up.

None of the points I'm making amount to much on their own, but they
are I think useful illustrations of some of the problems I've had with
the FFmpeg API.

Improving and documenting the real API is the best option, but has no
realisitic prospect of success. I someone like me came along and
started suggesting (breaking) changes to the existing API (like
AVFrame, AVAudioFrame, AVVideoFrame), I would (rightly) be shot down
in flames.


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