[Libav-user] SAP announcements with UDP multicast stream ?

Binna Gurry binnagurry at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 00:12:11 CET 2015

Hi all libav / ffmpeg gurus....

I have been trying to get this working and crawling the forums but I 
just can't find the solution.

What I want, is to capture my windows desktop using dshow, encode it 
using x264 into a multicast stream, then announce that stream using SAP 
so that others on the network can identify and decode that stream easily.
I have everything working rather nicely, EXCEPT for the SAP announcement.

Here is what I'm using:

ffmpeg -y -f dshow -framerate 24 -i 
video="screen-capture-recorder":audio="virtual-audio-capturer" -r 10 
-vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 18 -async 1 -acodec libmp3lame 
-ab 24k -ar 22050 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -bufsize 8000k -f mpegts 

I've investigated using the sap muxer (-f sap 
sap:// but that doesn't seem to format a 
usable mpegts stream and it has limited options.

If someone knows how I might generate the SDP information and attach it 
as a sap announcement for this stream, it would be much appreciated!

PS I've posted this on ffmpeg forum also but no responses...

Thanks :D
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