[Libav-user] muxing to dynamic buffer instead of file

cesar pachon cesarpachon at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 04:39:08 CEST 2015

hi! I am trying to modify the muxer.c example to use a dynamic buffer (
avio_open_dyn_buf) instead of a file as output. I am not expert in ffmpeg
development and need this because I am trying to produce a video file
within a custom c++ chrome-extension (NACL.. in that environment, the
normal file IO operations are restricted.. that is why I am trying the dyn
buffer way)


I really appreciate any guidelines or code snippets about how properly
replace the AVFormatContext in muxer.c to use the dyn_buf

thank you

Cesar  Pachón
www.cesarpachon.com, just a digital hermit
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