[Libav-user] Compile libAV + libswsscale for QNX

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Mar 26 13:38:33 CET 2014

K4 <anatoliy-leshin at ...> writes:

> Carl, i can't do a fate test, because i can't 
> get Samples with "make fate-rsync". Sockets are 
> closed by proxy and i can do nothing with it (not
> in my power).

(Some tests don't need fate-rsync.)
You can scp them from another computer.

The more difficult part is that you have to pass 
--target-exec, --target-path and --target-samples 
to configure (but a few tests will still fail).
Can you ssh to your qnx box? If not, no fate tests 
will be possible. The other requirement is that 
you have to mount your build directory on the other 
system, ie either build in a directory that is 
physically on the qnx hardware or mount your Linux 
build directory on the qnx system.

Carl Eugen

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