[Libav-user] Seeking, timestamps, AVFrame, AVStream

James Board jpboard2 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 16 21:49:52 CEST 2013

>> Anyway, it sounds like pts and best_effort_timestamp are really frame

>> numbers
>No, they are not. It is the case if timebase = 1/framerate but that is
>not guaranteed at all and should be seen as a special case, unless for
>some reason you know all your files are that way (and they typically

Okay.  My files all come from the same source.  So if I check to see
if timebase = 1/framerate, and if it is, then I can use pts or 
best_effort_timestamp as the frame numbers (assuming stream.start_time
is zero).

Why would timebase be anything other than 1/framerate?  I thought timebase
was in fact defined as 1/framerate.  That's what avcodec.h says.
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