[Libav-user] sws_scale crash

YIRAN LI mrfun.china at gmail.com
Mon May 20 02:05:17 CEST 2013

Hi, you can check if pixel format ever changes between frames. Once up a
time I also had a crash problem, which I later found is caused by pixel
format change.

2013/5/19 yy-zed <samhalligan15 at gmail.com>

> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to figure out to cause of constant crashes on sws_scale calls.
> I'm reading in a video frame, decoding it, then trying to scale, encode and
> write to video. Reading the frame and decoding it seem to be working fine,
> but sws_scale keeps crashing.
> Here's where I set the context:
> p_codec_ctx
> =p_in_video_ctx->p_fmt_ctx->streams[p_in_video_ctx->i_video_stream_idx]->codec;
> p_out_video_ctx->p_sws_ctx = sws_getContext(p_codec_ctx->width,
>                 p_codec_ctx->height, p_codec_ctx->pix_fmt,
>                 p_out_video_ctx->i_vwidth, p_out_video_ctx->i_vheight,
>                 AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
> and here's where I make the call to scale the frame:
> debugLogR->debug("here1");
> sws_scale(p_out_video_ctx->p_sws_ctx,
>                 (uint8_t const * const *)
> p_in_video_ctx->p_video_frame->data,
>                 p_in_video_ctx->p_video_frame->linesize, 0,
> p_codec_ctx->height,
>                 p_out_video_ctx->p_video_frame->data,
>                 p_out_video_ctx->p_video_frame->linesize);
> debugLogR->debug("here2");
> here1 is printed, but the program exits with error code "-1073741819"
> before
> printing here2. Google tells me thats a general access memory violation.
> Has anybody got any ideas where I'm going wrong?
> Thanks,
> Sam
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