[Libav-user] issues with a wavepack file

Paul B Mahol onemda at gmail.com
Tue May 7 10:33:59 CEST 2013

On 5/7/13, cyril apan <cyrilapan at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> I tried to feed this hybrid wavepack file to ffmpeg:
> http://towerofbabel.free.fr/test/onemoretime-onemorechance.wv
> This is a lossy audio file but I also got the accompanying .wvc file to get
> back the full lossless version of the song album.
> The thing is that ffmpeg just can't handle it. For instance with "ffmpeg -i
> onemoretime-onemorechance.wv", I get this error: "Invalid data found when
> processing input".
> I opened ticket #2542 and got this reply
> (https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2542#comment:1): "The sample is a
> Win32 executable, FFmpeg will not support such files."
> I don't understand how an audio file can be an executable. Can anyone
> explain this to me?

That file is not audio file, this is what file reported:

onemoretime-onemorechance.wv: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386,
for MS Windows, UPX compressed

Inspecting data in hex editor is looks like exectuable stuff was put
at begining of wv data.

If this is not some kind of trojan/virus than its probably feature
that allows to auto decompress
wv files on sytems without wavpack decoder.

> Regards,
> Cyril APAN.

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