[Libav-user] "Circular buffer overrun" error when reading UDP stream

Adi Shavit adishavit at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 13:16:44 CEST 2013


> You can skip h264 post-processing to save decoding time.

How do I do this programatically?
I didn't actually configure and codec explicitly, it was automatically
selected. I don't even know when the stream will be H.264.

> Other than that, if you detect that your process takes too long, you should apply
> it only when the decoder catches up with the stream. In the worst
> case, if an IDR frame arrives, you can discard all frames up to IDR,
> and essentially start again.

How do I detect an IDR (or non-IDR frame)?
Can I freely discard non-IDR frames without decoding them?

> If you cannot configure the encoder, the latter option depends totally
> on the nature of your incoming stream. If you can configure the
> source, you should be very careful about forcing IDR frames too often:
> first of all, these frames take much more bandwidth, and second, they
> take longer to decode.


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