[Libav-user] HW decoding on Android

Abel Alonso abelalon at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 11:51:14 CEST 2013

2013/7/4 Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at>
> Could you test again?
> This may have been fixed.

Hi Carl,

libstagefright.cpp compiles now, but I'm still getting the posix_memalign
error when compiling libavutil/mem.c, but I guess that is something related
with my environment configuration. However, I was able to decode h264
videos using libstagefright from outside ffmpeg. I mean, I compiled ffmpeg
without libstagefright and, from my app, I read the frames using FFmpeg and
decoded the packets using libstagefright. So I won't need more help on
this, but if you need more information to reproduce this issue, please let
me know.

Despite the compilation issue, after being working with stagefright these
days, I think (because I didn't test it), that the FFmpeg
libstagefright_h264 decoder will have problems when the libstagefright
decoder returns a buffer
in QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka format. This weird
format is a tiled NV12 one and, as far as I know, FFmpeg
libstagefright_h264 decoder does not handle it properly. Reading the code
in "libstagefright.cpp", you can see that this format is treated
as AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P (this is done in Stagefright_init function). To treat
this format properly, you should "untile" the buffer returned by the
stagefright decoder and treat the result as an AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 buffer.


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