[Libav-user] FFmpeg.framework

"René J.V. Bertin" rjvbertin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 20:48:03 CET 2013

On Feb 20, 2013, at 19:14, cyril apan wrote:

> Hi René,
> I'm quite interested into your Xcode project. I have myself thought about doing such a venture but still didn't find any free time to complete the task.
> Please post it somewhere, I'm sure I'm not the only interested into this kind of project.
> Regards,
> Cyril APAN.

Salut Cyril

Here's my framework:

I've installed it in a subdirectory (my build directory) of the FFmpeg source tree, but of course it uses none of those files for simply building a framework out of an MacPorts installation. Except for the license file, that is.

Let me know if there are problems with the project,


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