[Libav-user] Frame Rate Problem

Parijat Mukherjee parijat.mohor at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 14:32:55 CET 2013


I am using the command

 ffmpeg.exe -i <input> -movflags frag_keyframe -vcodec copy -acodec copy

to convert a normal MP4 file into fragmented MP4.

My input file has a frame rate of 59 but in the fragmented mp4 i am getting
the frame rate 64.

I have already tried with the options like "-r" and "-framerate" . If I
make a normal mp4 then the frame rate is getting fixed but not with the
fragmented one.

Please help, how can I fix my frame rate for the fragmented mp4 files.


Parijat Mukherjee
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