[Libav-user] Using ffmpeg.exe in a project (non-commercial)

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Thu Feb 23 13:25:18 CET 2012

On 02/23/2012 07:16 AM, John Dexter wrote:
> On 23 February 2012 12:07, Phil Turmel <philip at turmel.org> wrote:
>> Finally, whatever the legality, it is at least rude to hijack an open-
>> source app's website bandwidth to deliver source code to *your* users.
> Apart from the inherent problem of defining social etiquette within a
> legal contract... if I distribute ffmpeg.exe _un-modified_,  are the
> users MY users or ffmpeg's users? If I _don't_ distribute it but tell
> users they need to download it, then who is responsible?

The GPL is a license to distribute.  The terms of distributing binary
versions do not distinguish between modified and unmodified.  (Section 6).

Modifying the source, and then distributing, whether in source or binary
form, has further requirements.  (Section 5).



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