[Libav-user] a proxy problem of libav

Yuan Gao gaoyuanhot at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 13:18:15 CET 2012

Hallo all,

I am quite new for libav, hope you dont mind if the question too simple for

Currently I am using libav to decode audio stream from internet. Having
tested it by local files and internet stream it runs well.
the function avformat_open_input(), has filename parameter which I simply
pass the local file address like "c:/temp/file.mp3" or url address like
"http://...." .

My problem is how to pass the file path if I need to pass a proxy? of
course the proxy address and port is known.
from http.c file which is in libav source files, I found inside it has
defined dealing with http protocol and proxy, so I am sure somewhere must
be a way to set up proxy parameter
by using libav. Unfortunately didnt find anything useful. From ffmpeg
documentation, only one paragraph briefly states that "by using http_proxy,
it is useful to set proxy..." that makes
no sence for me...

anyone who knows how to deal with this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Mr. Gao Yuan*
Uni-Stuttgart Infotech CEMT
TEL: 017656442259
MSN:gaoyuanyes at gmail.com
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