[Libav-user] Help to convert MP3 to WMA ( 16k bit, 22k Hz )‏

mustafa elbehery eng.m.behery at live.com
Thu Dec 27 15:55:13 CET 2012

Dear sir, First of all I have to show my great respect for all the developers of "FFMPEG". I'm sending this e-mail to you specifically to help me solve my problem.I'm developing a JAVA module which converting from MP3 Format to many other formats, and I used (JAVE http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/jave/index.php), open src Java lib based on "FFMPEG", and I faced a problem in converting to "WMA (16k bit, 22k Hz) " format. I tried even the latest FFMPEG dist. which contains {wmalossless, wmapro, wmav1, wmav2, wmavoice} codecs, but unfortunately they only of them who can ENCODE to WMA are {wmav1, wmav2}, and they are not accepting my encoding parameters. I'm really confused and do not know what to do, the encoding is working fine from MP3 to WMA with (64k bit, 22k Hz) , but when I change to (16 k bit), it always broken.I'm waiting for your response because I really spent two working days without a result, I hope you can understand my situation, Looking forward to hear from you soon, Reagrds. 		 	   		  
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