[FFmpeg-user] Fwd: Command line to show channel label/position

MrNice wxcvbn2006 at iol.ie
Tue Jan 28 17:24:01 EET 2025

> Thank you L. I'll use Mediainfo, I have it installed but I thought 
> ffprobe has a command for that.
> BTW, could you tell me, How the decoder will sort out the channels to 
> send to the right speaker ?
> - by the list order, I mean first to FL, second to FR, and so on
> - or by the label, and what happen when there is no label or multi 
> mono channels ?

I’m not sure I have an answer for that, but maybe you can use the 
disposition resource page I linked to run some of your own experiments. 
For example, make your own stereo recording of a statement such as “this 
is the left channel” with the right mic turned off. Then use the 
disposition instructions to move and/or copy it to the channel of your 
choice, then audition the results. If you want, and have the necessary 
equipment, you should be able to reassign any existing audio channel to 
any other.

L. Lee

I came accross this command. Is it reliable?

ffprobe -v error -show_entries stream=channel_layout -of csv=p=0 
ffmpeg -v error -layouts | awk '/5.1 /{print $2}'


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