[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg doesn't reconnect when capturing live connections

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Mon Jan 13 09:05:54 EET 2025

On 1/12/2025 6:28 PM, arthurpeabody wrote:
> There is no banner and stream.

Hmm, the originally-posted command

ffmpeg -i 
-t 180 -reconnect true -reconnect_streamed true 
-reconnect_on_network_error true -timelimit 180 -loglevel warning 

didn't include the "&>> .ffmpeg.log" on the end as shown in the later 
email. Also, take out the "-loglevel warning" and let it use the default 
(on my system/build, using -loglevel was not producing any output, 
removed it and got the banner/etc).

Anyway, run the command from the shell, without the redirect or 
-loglevel, then kill the process as you have been doing. This should 
produce a bunch of lines starting with the version and build info; paste 
all of that into the email reply, might be a couple hundred lines.

Are you using a current ffmpeg? That's always recommended.


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