Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 00:46:09 EET 2024

On 29/02/2024 17.40, Ferdi Scholten wrote:
>> Hi, Ferdi,
>> Thank you for the tip. I checked it against what I'm doing.
>> The 'pts_time's that it returns do not correlate with the exact times that are computed from frame 
>> counts. For example, pts_time=760.607200 should be exactly 760.3[364635..] (based on PTS=2854113 
>> in a 24/1.001fps video having timebase = 90kHz). That is from my investigation into 
>> cutting/concatenation errors that I'm continuing to work on. There truly is something amiss inside 
>> FFmpeg's computations.
>> It would be welcome to have someone check my work. It's lonely work and incredibly meticulous.
>> --Mark.
> Hi Mark
> I have been following your work on this, and admire your persistence in it.
> However I think this is also related to the type of codec and container that is used.

I can't imagine why that would be.

> Your work as far as I know is about Transport Streams.

Not at all, program streams only.


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