Mark Filipak
markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 00:05:21 EET 2024
On 29/02/2024 12.19, Ferdi Scholten wrote:
> The following command will show all key frames and they're time in the video.
> ffprobe -loglevel error -skip_frame nokey -select_streams v:0 -show_entries frame=pts_time
> sourcevideo.mkv
Hi, Ferdi,
Thank you for the tip. I checked it against what I'm doing.
The 'pts_time's that it returns do not correlate with the exact times that are computed from frame
counts. For example, pts_time=760.607200 should be exactly 760.3[364635..] (based on PTS=2854113 in
a 24/1.001fps video having timebase = 90kHz). That is from my investigation into
cutting/concatenation errors that I'm continuing to work on. There truly is something amiss inside
FFmpeg's computations.
It would be welcome to have someone check my work. It's lonely work and incredibly meticulous.
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