[FFmpeg-user] Resolve (was Re: key frame)

Rob Hallam ffmpeg at roberthallam.com
Sun Jun 30 01:19:26 EEST 2024

On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 at 22:35, Mark Filipak <markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Only if your router is misconfigured to let all ports through to your
> > internal network by default.  If it does, then a relatively uncommon
> > piece of MPEG software will be the least of your problems.
> That is not true, and if Oliver used his head, he'd know it's not true.
> 1 - Blackmagic is not reprogramming routers to allow ports into LANs. Ports are allowed in by default.

Thought experiment for you:

Suppose that is true, and I install Resolve on two of my PCs, and one
of BMD clients who has had access sold to them -- as you put it --
tries to connect to my address over IPv4 to one of those ports. Which
PC would answer the connection? Same question, different phrasing: to
which device's port would it go?

> Don't listen to Oliver or Phil or Jim or others. They are far too permissive and ignorant. Use your
> own head.

Lots of programs listen on inbound ports:

$ lsof -i -n | grep vlc
vlc       1657953   rob  11u  IPv4 40096648      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
vlc       1657953   rob  12u  IPv6 40096649      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)

The sky is not falling.

You are free not to use the software and grumble about open ports if
you like, no big deal. However, it is poor form to accuse them of
enabling viruses, and worse to accuse them of selling malicious

As an aside, this thread has gotten way off-topic and folks are once
again throwing insults around. It is not a good look.


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