[FFmpeg-user] key frame

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 08:30:47 EEST 2024

On 28/06/2024 22.57, Richard Bartczak via ffmpeg-user wrote:
> Mark  an american, stupi..,  like possible.
> Where a medicine, no.
> Gloster

Oh, dear...

Hey, Gloster, do you have the European sickness?

I'm 3rd generation Polish-American. If I was in Poland, I'd be Marek Filipiak. Do you hate me? Do 
you want to conquer me? Do you want to be the Holy Roman Emperor/Kaiser/Czar/Caesar and grind me 
under your heel?

Are y'all a bigot, Gloster?


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