[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg wav lossless to youtube mov?

Reino Wijnsma rwijnsma at xs4all.nl
Thu Jun 27 18:17:28 EEST 2024

On 2024-05-24T02:23:16+0200, Ferdi Scholten <ferdi at sttc-nlp.nl> wrote:
> Youtube simply does not accept lossless audio in a video (at all). You have to encode according to their specifications. They explicitly say to use AAC in .mov containers, so do not use anything else as it will be not be accepted.
Sorry for the late reply. Found this old e-mail while cleaning my inbox.

I haven't uploaded a video to Youtube in years, so you may be right about Youtube today. I don't know.
What I do know is that 7 years ago Youtube accepted a mkv[h264(gbrp)+wavpack] file I uploaded and is still up today.
Obviously Youtube converted the completely lossless mkv-file to lossy H.264 video and lossy AAC audio and so, contrary to what OP thinks, doesn't preserve the original lossless file.

You would have to try if Youtube still accepts such a lossless file. This was the Avisynth-script I used for it:

AudioTrim(59900148/44100, 0)
AudioTrim((59900148%44100)/44100.0, 0)
Audio=AudioTrim(0, -13374648/44100) + AudioTrim(13374648/44100, -(13374648%44100)/44100.0)


And the FFmpeg-command:

ffmpeg.exe -i "input.avs" -c:v libx264rgb -preset slower -tune stillimage -qp 0 -c:a wavpack -compression_level 4 "output.mkv"


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